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LED Thin Disc Downlight


Now it’s even easier to retrofit your downlights with LEDs. Revolution Lighting’s edge-lit, Thin
Disk Kits offer a simple and unique retrofit solution with four different installation options to
accommodate virtually any situation (see Included Mounting Options). These lightweight,
thin-panel retrofit kits mount easily onto existing downlight cans (4”, 6”, 8”, and 10”), drywall
installations, and general surface mounting. LEDs maximize the return on your lighting
investment while delivering smooth light distribution through the edge-lit diffuser. The Thin Disk
Retrofit Kits also offer a 70,000-hour rated life and 5-year warranty, significantly reducing your
long-term operational and maintenance costs.

Now it’s even easier to retrofit your downlights with LEDs. Revolution Lighting’s edge-lit, ThinDisk Kits offer a simple and unique retrofit solution with four different installation options toaccommodate virtually any situation (see Included Mounting Options). These lightweight,thin-panel retrofit kits mount easily onto existing downlight cans (4”, 6”, 8”, and 10”), drywallinstallations, and general surface mounting. LEDs maximize the return on your lightinginvestment while delivering smooth light distribution through the edge-lit diffuser. The Thin DiskRetrofit Kits also offer a 70,000-hour rated life and 5-year warranty, significantly reducing yourlong-term operational and maintenance costs.


pdficon.jpg LED Thin Disc Downlight Spec Sheet

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